“We struggle to reach our well, trying to get water for ourselves.” My Utmost for His Highest Oswald Chambers 2/27
Our well is deep, but it is dry. It is part of the same supply that we have had all along. If there is anything in there at all it is certainly not living water. It is often putrid and rancid and not life-giving or life-supporting.
We need a new, fresh supply from outside of ourselves and from above.
The Bible tells that God offers us living water through Jesus Christ. This living water cleanses, brings new life, and refreshes.
Jesus doesn’t bring anything up from the wells of our human nature which is shallow and empty, but He brings us the well and fountain from above – pouring out on us good things from God.
One of God’s life-giving names in Scripture is El Shaddai which can be translated to mean more than enough! Most of us haven’t even begun to tap into God’s abundant “much more” that is available to us.
We are still working from our puny resources and our dry well. We haven’t yet become weary from our efforts at controlling and fixing – people and circumstances. We think we’re waiting on God, but we’ve yet to truly ask Him to come in with His power and mercy.
God has a much more that He wants to do in your life. And mine. That’s the reason for your obstacle. And mine. Not to trouble us, but so that He might be able to pour out His much more into our lives that will then spill over onto those around us. We can be sure that our deliverance will not come in the form that we are trying so hard to conjure up. God has something totally unique and surprising.
Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock in Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink.” Exodus 17:6 NKJV
God has a plan, a way, and a much more that He wants to pour out upon us so that we may be restored and refreshed, and then available to restore and refresh others with God’s power.
Refresh. Restore. Renew. That’s what I need.
Help me God to seek You. Help me God (through Jesus, Your Word, and Your Spirit) be refreshed and cleansed and filled with good things from You. Help me to be open to the new thing and the much more that you want to do in my life. Surely Your fountain and well is greater than I can even imagine.
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