Would you like to do something with purpose? Something more for God? Would you like to develop your gifts and interests? I’m here to encourage you to “go for it.”
What do you like to do? What one thing comes to mind and then you think, “But I could never do that.” That’s probably it.
What’s the one thing that you think, “Someone should….”
These are clues. And small is good.
Ordinary is great.
One person at a time is terrific.
Even needing Jesus’ help is spot on.
Be willing to put your toe in the water without knowing how it will work all work out, without knowing the whole picture, and without feeling totally comfortable or sure about everything yet. That seems to be part of the deal. Just take a small step of action.
Don’t overlook the power of small. Don’t overlook the power of ordinary.
Don’t overlook the power of helping one person at at time.
Who does your heart go out to? The down-trodden? The poor? The incarcerated? Adults? Elderly? Children? Women? Men? Teenagers? College-age?
How could you turn your current job or circumstances into a quiet ministry for God?
How could you simply take your interest and gifts and develop them?
I would love it if you would send me an email and share with me that small desire or wish of yours. Yeah, the one that you don’t let yourself think about because it seems so impossible and crazy. Or the one that you’ve been trying to experiment with. That one.
Yes, it’s helpful for me to hear from you. And yes, it’s helpful for you to share it with another person. Look forward to hearing from you!
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