This is from Psalm 36.
The wicked are full of evil, sinfulness, and unrighteousness. The wicked person:
– has no fear of God
– flatters himself so that he can not detect or hate his own sin. He thinks, “I’m fine.”
– his words say one thing, one time, and something different later, if it suits him
– his actions are different than his words
– has ceased to be wise and do good
– on his bed he plots evil and lets his mind run amuck – thinking thoughts filled with anger and his own righteousness – never seeking what is truly right
But God is good – His love, faithfulness, and justice are awesome. Those who seek God find refuge and help in Him. They find an overflowing, abundance of good things and delights from His house. With God, is a fountain of life.
Continue Your love and faithfulness to those who love and seek You, God. Ultimately, evildoers will not win out against, or triumph over, the righteous.
(Sometimes I write a verse out in my own words to help me understand it better. This is from Psalm 36.)
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