My book, “Building Faith with Bible Pathway,” which I brought back to print is an enjoyable devotional/guide that helps us read the Bible daily. (It’s available through Amazon, plus my website
Dr. John Hash, in the April 8th entry, reminds us that:
Though the way may seem more uncertain each day, we must be like David, who as the days got more difficult and as his enemies pursued him, continued to pray for guidance on which way to turn.
How applicable this is for us on many levels. It is what I’m trying to do these days. I’m praying for guidance, especially with my writing and daily goals.
I haven’t been sending out as many posts lately, because I’m trying to re-evaluate and seek God’s guidance and direction on the priorities that He desires for me.
I believe that one of my goals is to write a book – and eventually more than one. But blogging and writing a book may be difficult for me to do at the same time, because they seem to take the same part of my brain.
I do believe that I have been faithful to God’s instructions that He gave me several years ago – “Write, Robbi. Just write.” During this time, I have learned how to write more, write more frequently and consistently, and write when the thoughts strike, instead of thinking – I need to write about that sometime.
These past few years, I have been faithful to learn from Christian writers, especially as I’ve been able to attend Christian writer’s conferences. But I’m now at a place where I’m trying to follow a Long List of Correct Rules for Being a Writer.
I have attended conferences (check),
gotten a blog up and running (check and keep working on),
tried to put together a writer’s community group (check and need to re-visit),
tried to step into social media (so far a bust on that),
tried to work on my technology skills (some growth and some cries for help, here).
I have a mental to-do list in front of me that says, Robbi, you should do this and you should do that. I have tried to follow these rules, but they are beginning to feel like a task-master. (Our “should’s and “have-to’s,” that we try to live by, can be real joy-killers.)
I think I hear God’s voice saying, “Robbi, quit trying to do it right and just be true to the desire that I’ve placed within you.” “Write the book already.”
I hope you all stay with me, even if I post a little less frequently. I hope you continue to share this blog with your friends. And your prayers are always welcome, too – that I hear God’s voice and am strengthened to do what He calls me to do in all areas. I pray the same, for you.
What in your life feels like a “should,” but it weighs heavy on your body, mind, and spirit?
Are the things that you are striving for from yourself? From someone else? Or from God?
What things do you need guidance for?
What is it in your life that God keeps calling you to do that you keep running from and throwing up excuses for?
Care to share any of your answers with us?*
May God bless you as you seek Him today in your to-do list and for guidance. May God bless you with the freedom that He calls us into.
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