Are you continually trying to do what you think is right and consequently, do you find yourself trying to force the world and others into your mold?
Or are you trying to know and understand God a little more each day, in your own unique circumstances?
I’ve been slow to get this, but I’m learning.
Now, I try to remember in difficult circumstances to ask God – “What now, God?”
Being out of my comfort zone is exactly what helps me to know God better. Otherwise I have my comfort – and that comforts me.
It used to be, every time I was out of my comfort zone, I would spiral into a tail spin. Bad mood and all that goes with it. Inside and outside. It was pretty scary.
Slowly I’m learning to find God and peace in the uncomfortableness.
What can I learn? What is the opposite of the way I feel? What is God’s truth about what I want to rail against? What is simply passing and what is eternal? How can a greater understanding of myself and what I’m feeling, help me to understand what God intends for me?
This takes some work on my part.
But I’m finding joy, and the peace of knowing the power of God, and that He is for me and not against me.
Oh, how wonderful it is.
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