Do you ever feel like Moses? Sometimes I do.
When Moses was young, he sensed that he had a purpose – he felt called by God to save his people. But when he took action, he did the wrong thing – majorly. He killed someone. Moses ended up fleeing to the desert for 40 years and learned a whole new set of lessons.(See Exodus 1-3.)
God then stepped in, to finish the call that he had whispered into Moses’ life and heart years ago.
But at this point, Moses no longer had confidence in his own flesh. He had not only lost whatever arrogance and uppitiness he might of had, he had also lost his courage and direction.
All this was a good thing and the way God ordained it.
God re-directed Moses and with God’s help, he completed the task that God had for him.
Do you ever feel called by God to do a task, but have no idea how to accomplish it? Does the task look impossible – except for God’s help and grace?
Me, too. Even to do the things that we are called to do by God, takes crying out to Him and leaning wholly on His strength and wisdom. In this way, more of God’s power flows through us, than in any other way.
What task has God whispered into your spirit that you are to do for Him? How can you take a small, tiny step towards it with His help?
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