Don’t make camp in any valley of chaos, uncertainty, low-living, fear, dysfunctional living, compromise, addiction, or trouble.
God has destined us for great, and greater, things!
Don’t allow yourself to wallow in valleys of trouble. God has provided for our victory. God has given us mighty weapons. But we have to pick them up, try them out, practice with them, and use them until we become competent with them. We have to become qualified soldiers in God’s army, a force of His to be reckoned with, because we fight for His purposes!
We have an arsenal of weapons – at our disposal – for our victory and ultimately, His victory.
Every day, make sure you buckle on God’s real truth, strap on righteousness (right-living and right-thinking), put your soul into the gospel of peace, and take up your faith-shield and flat-out extinguish those flaming arrows the evil ones tries to throw at you so that you’ll quit, settle, give-up, or compromise. Put on the headphones of salvation, truth, and God’s Spirit. Finally, karate-chop any tactic or un-truth that is from the enemy. (See Ephesians 6:10-17.)
If you still struggle in any valley of uncertainty, find a God-believer who can help you fight off the enemy, along with his wily ways, and persistent campaigns against you.
We have both offensive protection and defensive weapons to use against any un-truth that sets itself up against the grace, mercy, peace, and power of God. We have His power and Spirit, His Word of truth and promises, faith, salvation, hope. These are not flimsy weapons. They are powerful if we know how to use them. God wants to train us in their power to take down strongholds.
Don’t settle down in the valley. Don’t be satisfied with less than God showing up on the scene on your behalf, if that is what it takes.
Sometimes God is the one who must fight on our behalf – and in that case – our weapon is asking in prayer to the One who cares for us. Don’t give up until you are at peace with the full answer. I never would have believed it myself, if I hadn’t of experienced it, but some answers to prayer only come about after a very, long time. Though we don’t see at the time, our faith is being built in God’s goodness.
Don’t camp in your valley of troubles, and worse yet, don’t try to make yourself comfortable in this valley. God has destined you for greater things. Strive ahead with righteousness. Push forward with peace.
Don’t be too quick to camp in the valley of suffering for God’s sake. Most of the suffering the Bible talks about is the suffering of persecution for our faith and God’s truth. Other than that, we should be taking possession of the ground that God has placed around each one of us. If you don’t know how to do this in your own life, find a solid-Christian who can help you. Team up with another believer so that you may take ground for God.
We are told that the Word of God should be at work in us who believe. (1 Thessalonians 2:13) Is it? If not what can you do to build up the Word of God in yourself and your life? We are to apply these truths and weapons of peace and righteousness – in spite of – and through – our difficult times.
Although we don’t live in paradise yet, and we will someday – in the meantime, we are to take possession of all that God has provided for us.
Let’s you and I commit to not camp in our valley! Let’s move up God’s mountain of faith and promises and draw near to Him.
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