Desperation, Help, and Green Pastures
God never wishes to bring us to any place of pain and horribleness. He gives us thousands of opportunities to see His goodness, mercy, and truth but when we don’t get it, He is not above allowing us to enter into a place of desperation. And that’s a good thing!
I thank God for the time in my life where He brought me to this awful place—filled with unbelievable heartache, pain, fear, and total hopelessness. For the first time, I saw the futility of my own strength, power, and wisdom. I had none. For the first time, I knew without God’s help and mercy, I would not make it.
Seeing My Limited-ness was Good
I was driven to my knees – and cried out to God for help. And that was a good thing. I didn’t get it any other way. What I couldn’t understand about God or the Christian life on my own—desperation, (and ultimately God), enabled me to! Finally, I saw the limited-ness of my strength and power and wisdom and cried out, “God, have mercy on me. If you don’t save me, I won’t live!”
And God tenderly began to lift me up, dust me off, and heal me. He began, (as He always does), to make me new—a new creation—one in which His light and goodness and mercy shines through all my broken places. The more I see my need for God, the more amenable I am. The more I see my need for God, and the more amendable I am, the more amazing the process!
Good Gifts and Mysteries
God never wishes to bring us to this place of pain and horribleness, but God has such good gifts and mysteries that He wants to share with us—things that He wants us to see, enjoy, and participate in, that He will use the hard way if He must.
The only way for us to see and participate in these good things, is to rely on God’s goodness and power, not on our own. This often takes desperate measures—for human beings are a determined lot.
I know human beings are a determined lot, because unknowingly I was struggling to fight. I was struggling to fight instead of simply surrendering to God for help and mercy. I had been fighting this battle persistently. I wanted to do it; I wanted to get it; and I wanted God’s help. I just didn’t know how to do it and have God help me. What I really didn’t know was how to turn it all over to God.
God Help Me
If you end up in a place of desperation may you have the courage and presence of mind to cry out to God—“God, help me and save me!” (I found myself down on my knees.)
And may you also have the courage to share with someone who has been there, “I need help.”
God’s green pastures of mercy and healing will begin. God always comes through.
This is so good, Robbi. And so true. Why do I ever “struggle to fight” when “giving it up” will bring me to green pastures!!!! God always comes through, indeed.
Thanks for sharing with us that this is a common struggle. Onward to greener pastures!
This really hit home for me, Robbi. My life truly began when I gave everything to God.
Thanks for sharing. One of these days I’d love for you to write more on what you’ve learned on your walk and journey.
This is such an amazing nugget of truth! If we would only let go and let God be God, let truely “Lord” over our lives, how much sweeter would our lives be! Instead we fight Him at every turn trying to make it by our own merits on our own terms…and then the desperation hits! Thank God because He is there all along, patiently waiting for us to get to the end of us, so that He can begin! The sooner we do this the sooner we find His mercy comes running to us and His grace IS enough!